- Reeperbahn Festival Delegates Get Together
We invite you to join us for complimentary drinks and snacks, afterwards we’ll walk together to the Opening Night Party of A2IM Indie Week.
Monday, June 17, 4.00pm
Location tba
- Panel #HowWeListen
A Panel for registered A2IM Indie Week delegates discussion highlighting latest changes and trends in music consumption and distribution from different perspectives from the music scene, both German/European and Northern American focused.
Tuesday, June 18, 11:00-12:00am
New York Law School, room W420, 185 W Broadway, NYC
Marc Brown – Founder of Byta
Ralph Boege – Managing Director at Paradise Entertaiment & Distribution/Paradise Americas
Gino van Eijk – Co-Founder & Strategic Director at Future House Music
Sarah Stam – Artist & Label Manager
Further panelists tba
A Panel discussion highlighting latest changes and trends in music consumption and distribution from different perspectives from the music scene, both German/European and Northern American focused.
From artists becoming their own gatekeepers, to the latest distribution, monetization and collection options and the new wave of Independent Labels based on the back off YouTube. What can other genres potentially learn from electronic music brands who started as pure „Youtube-Labels“, where do majors sit in this rapid changing industry and what options are there when it comes to distribution, monetization and collection of revenues?
With clear examples and case studies from both the artist management, label and distribution side of things this panel provides useful insights for anyone trying to stay on point of music consumption and distribution in the 21st century. Moreover, the panel also emphasizes on growing exchange and cooperation between the German/European and Northern American music industry.
- ANCHOR 2019 Jury Announcement
ANCHOR – Reeperbahn Festival International Music Award honors the emerging artist with the highest potential and serves as a guide for fans and the music industry in search of the best new music. The live shows played at Reeperbahn Festival in September is the basis of the distinguished jury’s verdict.
On June 19 Reeperbahn Festival will announce the ANCHOR 2019 Jury featuring Jury members Tony Visconti (Producer), Kate Nash (Artist), Peaches (Artist) and Bob Rock (Producer) in New York City.
Wednesday, June 19, 06:00pm
Rockwood Music Hall, 196 Allen St
- Reeperbahn Festival Networking with Happy Hour
And Music by DJ Clint Choi
Wednesday, June 19, 06:30pm
Rockwood Music Hall, 196 Allen St
- International Showcase
Reeperbahn Festival will present a showcase night in the course of the A2IM Indie Week at the Rockwood Music Hall on Lower Eastside featuring these international artists and bands:
07:30 - 08:00pm Yes We Mystic (CA)
08:05 - 08:35pm ORI (IL)
08:40 - 09:20pm Leoniden (DE)
09:25 - 09:55pm Mira Lu Kovacs (AT)
10:00 - 10:40pm Gurr (DE)
10:45 - 11:15pm Renata Zeiguer (US)
11:20 - 00:00am Surfbort (US)
Wednesday, June 19, 07:30-00:00pm
Rockwood Music Hall, 196 Allen St